Saturday, April 28, 2012

Social Empires Rare Units Hack

Social Empires Rare Units Hack

Need : Use Firefox
    Cheat engine 6.1 or Higger
    Crusher Orc Barrack

NOTE : You must have " Crusher Orc Barrack " first...

1. in cheat engine select proccess to plugin_container.exe

2. value type " Array of bytes "

3. type in value " 32 30 32 37 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 " and click firt scan

4. double click all results or hold shift, click 1st addres, and then last addres

5.  the result will go down

6.  change their value to " 32 30 32 37 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 "

7.  and buy max 8 from " Crusher Orc Barrack "

8.  when finish, visit friend and refresh page

9.  You can trains units you wants, Code Here


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